Hotel and Club Security Services Master License No: 409030467

Storchek Hotel & Club Security can provide fully qualified security personnel toPub & Club Security monitor your premises and patrons.

Invest in Storchek Security to perform the following duties:

 Provide Security Officers to check identity and minimum age requirements of patrons entering restricted areas of your premises.

 Internal monitoring of patrons to prevent drunken behaviour, disturbances and property damage.

 Provide external security patrols to monitor property perimeter to prevent unauthorised access to restricted areas and prevent vandalism.

 Monitor on or off street parking to protect employee & patrons vehicles where required.

 Monitor & control departure of guests to minimise noise levels and disturbances.

 Discreetly escort intoxicated or other persons from premises when necessary, to prevent further incidents, disruption or damage.

Our Security Personnel are fully trained to provide you and your patrons with a discreet professional service.